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Fancy Joining our 21 Day Fasting Challenge?
"Nearly 670Million people will still be facing hunger in 2030"
Steps to get you started
Step 1: Create your JustGiving page and select Youth Link Networks as your chosen charity.
Step 2: Decide on your fasting routine and set a fundraising goal.
Step 3: Promote and spread the word - Can you get someone to join you?
Step 4: Take on the challenge and nail it!
1. Fasting is for 18 hours per day.
2. Fast responsibly i.e. don't break your fast on junk food and over eat!
3. During fasting hours only water and herbal teas are permitted.
4. For every failed day, you incur an additional day.
Other ways to Fundraise
There are many ways to fundraise for our cause, if you are having trouble coming up with ideas have a look at the suggestions below to get you started!
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